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This Demo will show you several short examples of stress management drills, so that you will realise why it is so popular.

The Demo is for professionals, by invitation only (requires pass-code).

Keep your pass-code ready. If you do not have a pass-code, please request it here

To start the Demo, all you need is a pair of earphones and an internet connection.
Please choose the demo appropriate for your device:

PC/Mac (Desktop or laptop)

App for Android

App for iPad and iPhone

What you may be interested to know about the Demo:

It lets you experience the newest version of the app for yourself, to understand why it is so popular (and why your clinic needs this program now!)

  • This demo app allows you to enter your clients’ shoes, while realising first-hand how helpful the app can be for your clinic.
  • While experiencing the drills, please pay attention how easy it is to perform the instructions while achieving very satisfactory results in such a short time.
  • At the end of the Demo, you are offered an opportunity to rate the Demo, and provide any feedback you wish.

The Demo shows several elements of just a few basic techniques, such as guided breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, plus an optional guided imagery. However, these basic techniques, when used with latest advances in digital technology and mindfulness principles, create a unique blend of highly effective and very easy to perform exercises.