About Us

About us

We at Toolsforpsychologists are focused on the practical aspects of the therapists’ work, fusing the latest digital technology with the everyday tasks performed by professionals in their practices.
Our paradigm: improve the business aspect of the therapists’ work, easing this burden thus allowing the professionals to focus on what they do best.
We use the latest cloud technology where possible, in order to create the most attractive, stable and economically feasible solutions.
Our Stressbay technology reflects many years of meticulous efforts. Apart from digital technology experts, the app development involved significant input of many practitioners in the therapy field. We listened to their advise, opinions and suggestions, accommodating them where appropriate. This process evolved throughout many years of gradual advance from the earlier versions of the app, to the latest ones.
Our expertise in Artificial Intelligence was another major contributing factor in the achievement of the current level of sophistication.
The Toolsforpsychology team is proud to be a contributor to this fastest growing trend in therapy. We love to hear your constructive suggestions and ideas, and always consider them very carefully.
You are welcome to contact us